I’m Still Standing! is a solo show from Glasgow based neurodivergent artist Cameron McCracken. The exhibition is a retelling of the events of the artist’s life from the summer of 2018 to the summer of 2019, ups and downs, warts and all. When viewed as a whole it tells the story of the artist’s triumph over dark times and the sprouting of new found positivity from the ashes. This story is told largely through the lens of allegory, utilising imagery similar to that conjured by the many fairy tales and similarly fantastical stories read to us as children.

Ultimately the desire for this exhibition is to show that despite it all, hope springs eternal.

‘I’m Still Standing’ includes a selection of work made after enough time had passed to unpack the events they were subsequently instilled with, alongside more recent pieces that slowly grew naturally from what came before.

I’m Still Standing! was the culmination and end point of a project of works that retell the events of my life, loosely, from the summer of 2018 to summer of 2019. Including the good and the bad, warts and all, I wanted to give an unflinching view of all the major events that happened in the space of a year through the use of allegory.

The project was inspired by a range of things including my own experiences, but was in large part inspired by the work of Grayson Perry, Akiko Hirai, Astrid Terrazas (@killyridols on Instagram) and Katrina DeMarcus Santiago (@biggirlbabyartist on Instagram), also countless fairy tales, classical architecture, and various medieval marginalia.

I’m Still Standing! - installation & mixed range of media, illustrative works, cardboard sculptural works, paper cutout shapes, small decorative clay forms, papier-mâché clay vases, charcoal+ash and an electric fan. Dimensions variable.

Above photos taken by Alice Cornelia (@al.cornelia on Instagram) Below photos taken by myself


~ Poster I made for the exhibition